“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Are you spending money on ads but getting little to no return?

Do you struggle with writing copy that sets you apart from the competition?

Do you have a hard time explaining why people should choose you over anyone else?

You might be suffering from poor planning. The good news is there is a way out of guessing and hoping that your efforts will work to knowing what works!


Running a business without a marketing plan is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture without the manual.

It can cause hair-ripping frustration and you run the risk of spending a whole lot of time getting nowhere. Without setting aside time to take a look at the intricate layout of the product you bought, all you’re left with is an assortment of plywood and nails with no way of knowing how to put it together. Running a business without a clear plan of what you do (apart from your competitors) and how you plan to reach your short and long-term business goals is no different. All of your efforts will be fruitless and you’ll waste precious dollars and time!

IKEA’s signature self-assembling design that we all know and love is actually the product of a marketing plan.

Several decades ago, a group of business leaders put their heads together and came up with a sustainable idea that focused on cutting back on business costs while simultaneously differentiating themselves among competitors. They found it was much more practical and inexpensive to ship unassembled furniture.

This differentiator led to a snowball effect of more innovative ideas and now the company is ranked the 41st Most Valuable Brand in the World. 

If company leaders at IKEA hadn’t sat down to discuss a clear vision and commitment to action, IKEA may not even exist today.

Can you even imagine life without IKEA? Unbearable for people like me who want to change the look and feel of rooms without spending thousands of dollars!


Why Every Business Needs a Plan

8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months, according to Bloomberg, and improper planning is often a major contributing factor. By establishing a firm plan, the task of parsing out individual strategies becomes much simpler and more effective.

Creating a marketing plan is essential if you want to grow your business with the least amount of pain, frustration and wasted dollars.

Sure, it can be time consuming, but by creating a clear vision of how you are unique and who you need to target will save you hours of time and a ton of money in the long run. The time you spend on a marketing plan results in a clear cut vision so you know how and where to spend your time and marketing efforts.


Ready to Get Started?

Not sure how to begin creating a marketing plan? I can help you hone in on what makes you unique, help you find the people who are looking for your products and services, and get crystal clear on key actions you need to take to get the ROI you need to succeed.

Don’t be one of the 8 out of 10 business owners who fail to plan and ultimately fail at business. Set yourself apart and create a marketing plan based on facts so you can be successful! Schedule a free 30 minute strategy call today.