Whether you’re looking for a fresh set of eyes, want to bring more specialized skills to your marketing team, or simply need more hands on deck when launching multiple products, leveraging the expertise of freelance copywriters and marketing consultants can be a game-changer for any mission-driven company. 

The key to capitalizing on the benefits of outsourcing, however, relies on effective onboarding. Thoughtfully integrating a freelancer or consultant not only ensures project success but also maximizes ROI from your investment in their services. 

Working as a freelance copywriter and marketing consultant for mission-driven companies for over 12 years, I’ve experienced both seamless and erratic onboarding practices and the effects on the team. If you are considering onboarding a freelance copywriter or marketing consultant, implementing effective onboarding strategies makes a radical difference in the results your marketing team and your company can achieve. 

Top 8 Strategies for Onboarding Freelance Copywriters and Marketing Consultants

So they can hit the ground running and collaborate with your team in delivering stellar results:

1. Designate a Key Point Person 

From the outset, a freelancer should know who will be assigning their tasks, who they’ll be reporting to and who will be answering questions. Designate one key point person in the company who will be responsible for the management and workflow for the freelancer or consultant. 

2. Ask About Their Process

This isn’t about bending your team to meet the freelancer’s needs. Instead, this lets you quickly pinpoint what might motivate or hinder a freelancer from performing at their best or highest potential. Ask about their creative process and what they need from you to succeed. This step sets the stage for aligning your expectations with their preferred working style.

3. Define Clear Objectives and Milestones

Be clear about what success looks like for each task or project assigned. Set specific milestones that you expect freelancers to meet. Being clear about what is needed and when helps freelancers manage their time effectively and ensures everyone is on the same page regarding project goals and expectations.

4. Introduce Them to Key Team Members

While freelancers aren’t permanent, connecting them with key team members can enhance innovation and efficiency. Knowing who to approach for specific information can help freelancers feel more connected and supported within your organizational structure. This can also mitigate the key point person or director from having to field a multitude of requests to appropriate team members.

5. Share Marketing and Brand Insights

For any freelancer or consultant to be successful, it’s important to provide detailed brand guidelines, insights about your target audience, buyer persona profiles, and relevant marketing data. This information is crucial for creating content and strategies that resonate with your company’s audience and brand voice. Experienced copywriters will ask for this information as well as do their own research to bring fresh ideas and insights to the team.

6. Equip Freelancers with Necessary Tools and Context

Ensure freelancers have access to all necessary tools and platforms they might need to complete projects.  This includes any contextual information related to the project that could impact their efforts or the results. From content management systems to collaboration tools and specific resources related to the project, making these tools accessible reduces downtime and frustration while enhancing productivity and effectiveness.

7. Establish a Channel of Open Communication

Set aside scheduled time to offer constructive feedback and address any concerns. This will not only help freelancers refine their work according to your needs but can also prevent tiny issues from becoming BIG problems in the future. Feedback is invaluable for making quick adjustments and ensuring freelancers understand your and/or your company’s preferences.

8. Acknowledge Contributions

It’s easy to forget to include a freelancer’s contributions, especially if they aren’t part of company meetings or events. If their contributions resulted in a win for the company, let them know! Acknowledging their hard work fosters a positive working relationship and motivates them to continue delivering excellent work. Plus, giving credit where credit is due is just good business.

The onboarding process sets the foundation for fruitful collaboration between a freelancer and your team. By following these strategies, your freelancer or consultant will feel well-prepared to contribute and support your team in reaching (and exceeding) company objectives. 

If you’re looking to partner with an experienced copywriter and marketing consultant you can count on, we should talk