I just can’t find the time. Says Every Solopreneur. 

Juggling client work, running a business, and managing a household leaves little time to focus on your bigger goals and projects. You might even feel guilty doing the things that really matter, even if that time results in more joy, success, and money

I feel ya, and you’re not alone. 

As solopreneurs, we often underestimate the time it takes to complete projects and overestimate how much we can accomplish in a day! And we can’t always stick to a strict schedule. But we can start each week with a plan so we stay focused on what’s important in growing ourselves and our businesses. 

There’s nothing sexy about time management until you’ve experienced the rewards of planning for success. 

The Extraordinary Benefits of Planning Your Time

I used to think I had a time problem. But after taking note of where I was spending my time, I soon realized time was not the problem. It was how I was using it that was the real problem. So, I created a simple routine I could do every Sunday that helped me focus and get more of the right things done. 

If you struggle to find the time or mental energy to work on bigger, long-term, higher revenue goals, planning is the most powerful way to give yourself permission (and time) to follow through on your big ideas and dreams. Follow these 4 simple steps and you’ll see significant results in your life and your business:

Step 1: Get Clear about What’s Really Worth Your Time, Energy, and Creativity

What really matters to you? If you are ultra clear on what you value, what you value will be reflected in what, where, and how you spend your time. 

So, what are your TOP 3-5 values? If you aren’t sure, you can choose values that resonate from this list by James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. Once you know what you value, you can choose goals that align with your values.

Step 2: Choose Your TOP 3 Goals

Use this simple and quick exercise to get ultra clear on your TOP 3 Goals:

  • Make a complete list of all of your goals (brain dump everything on your mind on the page)
  • Circle the top 3 goals you want to focus on and achieve
  • Write those top 3 goals on a new piece of paper and title it your “MUST DO LIST”
  • Assign at least one of your core values to each top goal

Getting clear on your top 3-5 goals is an important step. But, to stay committed, you need to know why your goals matter. Why you want it: This is the underlying desire you want to experience as a result of achieving your goals. 

For instance, earning passive income gives you a sense of freedom and control over your finances. Running a marathon makes you feel healthy and strong. Publishing your book gives you a sense of creative accomplishment and authority in your field. 

Step 3: Create a Simple Action Plan to Reach Your TOP 3 Goals

Once you’re clear about your top goals and why they matter, now it’s time to create a plan so you can achieve them! 

How to Break Down Your Big Goals into Smaller, Doable Action Steps 

For each top goal:

  • Break down big goal into high-level steps. Don’t worry—you don’t need to know ALL the steps. Just write down the steps you know you’ll need to take. You’ll know what additional steps are needed as you make progress.
  • Take each high-level step and break it down even further until it feels simple, doable, and actionable. They should be small enough that you could accomplish one or two per week. 
  • Repeat this process for your remaining goals. 

The purpose of this step is to create a simple, clear and actionable plan of what you need to do each week to hit your goals. Now all you need is a schedule to work on your TOP 3 goals. This is where your goals take priority and your focus leads to remarkable results!

Step 4: Create a Schedule that Honors Your Time and Your Goals

Choose the time of day that you are most productive and creative to work on your TOP 3 goals. Block a section of time on your calendar to take small steps towards your big goals, Even if it’s only one hour one time per week, you’ll be amazed by the progress you’ll make. 

What should you include in your schedule? 

Damn near everything, including appointments, meetings, client work, self-care practices, etc. Anything that takes time out of your day should be included in your schedule. Whether you use a physical or digital calendar, blocking time can keep you motivated and on track! 

Managing your to-do list keeps you buried in minutia. Managing your time keeps you focused on actions that lead to tangible results.

The Power of Intentional Week Ahead Planning

Intentionally planning every week keeps you focused on top priorities and helps you avoid distractions. It can be as simple as writing down what you want to focus on or as detailed as a week-ahead planning template like the one I use. 

When you plan your time, you’ll stay focused on the things that really matter—the projects and the people that actually impact your results and your bottom line.